New Woman
A group coaching program for Catholic Moms who are looking to design a life of fulfillment and wholeness - in every arena of their life!
"I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly." - John 10:10

I know you have a lot on your plate...

You are juggling so much.
You want to prioritize time for prayer and for meaningful connection with your husband and kids...but find that it's hard to do with all of your day to day responsibilities.
You find yourself laying your head down on the pillow at night, exhausted and spent, but wondering where the time went.
You've probably tried to create systems and routines in your life and home in the past, but have struggled to be consistent and stick with them.
You want to lay your head down on your pillow at night knowing that your time was well spent and you prioritized the people and things that matter the most.
But, you haven't figured out a way to make it happen.
You know deep down you were made for more than just surviving the day.
I understand. And I can help you.
I have helped many (overwhelmed!) Catholic Moms establish a rhythm and routine for their life. By following my very simple process of building a well ordered life according to 5 Pillars, they have gone from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted to intentional and present to the people and things that matter the most.

Hey, I'm Krista!
As a Catholic wife and homeschooling Mom of 6, I understand how chaotic family life can feel. But, I found that in order to live the fullness of life as God intended, I needed to receive training. I needed to grow in my mindset and grow in my skills (building a routine, decision making, time management etc) in order to live the life I knew I was made more. Not a life of survival, or going through the motions, but a life that was full and meaningful and most of all peaceful.
This New Woman Masterclass is unlike any other Catholic program or course you've taken in the past. This comprehensive course on how to be a woman +
I have witnessed the transformation from chaos to calm in the Moms I have coached! They have discovered that this course and the trainings and accountability and coaching they have received has enabled them to care for their needs and the needs of their family with far more peace and intentionality!
I have a new group opening in September to help you do this too.

The Details:
Over the course of 6 weeks, I will help you to create, implement and actually maintain a simple routine that prioritizes what matters most: your relationship with God, your family, and your home.
You will receive two 1-1 calls with me. The first one will be prior to the start of our Challenge to assess what routines you have in place and to help you to begin creating your ideal routine based on the 5 Pillars. Your second 1-1 call with be at the end of our Challenge to assess your progress and celebrate your successes.
We will meet for 6 weekly Group calls over Zoom (Thursdays at 1:30pm EST). Each call I will lead the group through one of the 5 Pillars needed to create your well ordered life: Your prayer life, your personal wellness, your marriage, your motherhood, and your home management.
On each of the 6 group coaching calls, you will have an opportunity to receive coaching live - or if you don't need coaching that week, then you can observe others being coached and apply the coaching to your own life and circumstances.
You will receive a 6 week Challenge workbook that will guide you through this process, including daily journal prompts and check-ins to keep you accountable and focused on the routines you are implementing in your home.
You will have the opportunity to join a private Facebook group - a support network and community of Catholic Moms like you who are striving to create more order and peace in their day to day lives. This group will be a place to communicate and build friendships with one another.
The Challenge begins with our kickoff call on September 7th, 2023 at 1:30pm EST and ends on October 12th, 2023 with our final call.
How will this be different?
I'm guessing you've tried other "things" in the past to help you. And you felt like you "failed" because you didn't follow through. You're worried this time won't be any different. But this time, it will be different.
You have me as your guide and mentor.
You have the practical life training (of mindset + skillset) that I will guide you through.
You have a group of other Catholic Moms cheering you on in this small group setting.
Why a small group?
Catholic motherhood can be lonely! For centuries, mothers lived life alongside one another. We need to bring that back! We weren't made to do this alone. The longing to journey alongside other women is innate within us! This group fulfills that desire within Catholic Mothers to live, learn and grow alongside one another. I also believe that the greatest way to achieve your dreams and goals is to do it alongside other women who are pursuing their dreams as well! In this group we normalize growth and going after our dreams!
How do I know if this is right for me?
If you still have questions, I'm happy to answer them! I want you to feel confident that this group is right for you. Send me an email here or schedule a quick call with me by clicking here.
Will you join us?

I want you to have hope that things can and will get better. You don't have to continue living a life that feels chaotic! You can create a well ordered life.
It is possible to establish and maintain a rhythm and routine centered around prayer, personal wellness, meaningful connection with your husband and kids, and a peaceful home. Just as I have with other Catholic Moms like you - I will show you how!
As a Catholic Life & Mindset Coach, I have led many Catholic women through this process and have witnessed their transformations from feeling overwhelmed and chaotic to in control and intentional.
Do you want this Fall to be different? Are you ready to join me and other Catholic Moms like you as we create a well ordered life?